Monday, June 30, 2014

the thirty first

Wow. It has been approximately four-five months since my last post.

The thirty first will be of my trip to Hunter Valley over the weekend. Will post the pictures in two sets. Part 1!

So there was a traffic jam on the way to the Hunter... so what did I do? Take pictures.

Here are some cliff patterns..

and more cliff patterns.. what makes these anyway... erosion? 

This guy stopped to give a smile and a wave. If anyone knows him, please pass on this picture to him. I believe he's Australian.

The cause of the jam! Looks serious...


Woah... what could cause this?

And finally...

And here we are! First stop.. a lunch at Esca Restaurant.

Awww a lovely rainbow from where we were sitting.

Frontal picture of Esca/Bimbadgen.

One of my favourite vineyards. A friend of mine said that the wines produced looked like it was made in test tubes. 

Part two coming soon!